Saturday, February 13, 2010

Somethin' Different

This week there wasn't a great turnout, which just happens sometimes even in college so instead of moving on with the graffiti project we decided to start on a project me and a co-ordinator had previously discussed. It was creating a poster with the group to advertise the FRC (Family Resource Center) for the AIB Better Ireland Programme. The guys have already qualified into the final three in the competition and now need text votes and online votes to win the 5,000 Prize so please vote, the details will be on the poster when I put some up.
So for the class, the group that were there began drawing up some drafts of how they wanted the poster to look and I designed on photoshop, just another good way to incorporate collaboration. The poster I have posted is only a rough draft because we have to make some changes to match the AIB template, I have blurred the faces 'cos some of the lads are under 18,
Anyway i'll let you know how it goes, no class next week the lads are doin a trip so it will be the week after...
Keep ya posted,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steven,

    Sounds great and poster looks really good, I think its great that you are sharing your skills with the youth. You have my vote. Looks brill.
