Friday, January 29, 2010

Getting Started...

Just finished my first Graffiti class session with the lads and lassies up in the South-End Family resource centre, it went well, gotta good bit of interest, good crowd...not everyone, but better than last year, hopefully the guys will filter in over the next few weeks, some of the lads are really good and have a genuine interest in it so hopefully thats gonna be a lasting thing.
Got talkin' with one of the co-ordinators up there and he said that the committee told the class that if they didn't do the class that they wouldn't get to go on their planned trip, i'm not too happy 'bout that 'cos i think its the wrong way to approach these youths, I mean some of them already have issues with authority so i just think its the wrong approach, but i'll see how it develops...
Keep ya posted,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephen,
    Great that you're enjoying your placement!
    I just wanted to say that I agree with you about the authority issue - we've all been teenagers and can remember what it's like kicking back against authority. I always think that compromise (to a degree) is the key - it teaches the kids that there are other ways of working around things and can help them see things from a different angle/point of view. I believe that force often incites rebellion.
